by Schneewurm » Sunday 14 June 2009, 20:52
Aha, You have count them. So, I was not too wrong, for to compare the amount of boards to these boxes I saw Yesterday. Otherwise, they should mount more of them, also as mobile boxes in tunnels of Geneva. Some drivers with an leading F on their car, like to use the tunnels of Geneva in the early morning going-to-work-trafic for races like on Formula-1 in Monaco!
What about the Nidecker Proto. No more production in Switzerland?
Megalight CamRock? It seems that realy any board-maker is comming now with rocker-outline boards!
Gliding on Snowboards,
like Pogo, Kessler, Virus, Hot, Nidecker and others,
from 151 up to 183 cm and 14 to 27.4 cm width,
covering any kind of shapes with
any kind of boots and bindings.